Back and Neck Injuries and Pain
For people experiencing back or neck pain, it can affect every aspect of their daily life, from the moment they wake up to completing the simplest of tasks throughout the day. The same holds true for back and neck injuries that often occur at home or at work.
If you’re experiencing back pain or neck pain, call VANTASTAT, and get connected to an orthopaedic specialist today.
Call 844-826-8236. That’s 844-Vanta365.
While some pain may be manageable, if you have any of these symptoms, please call VANTASTAT:
Pain in your back and neck can be debilitating, and if left untreated, can worsen over time. That’s why if you think you’ve injured either of these areas, or are experiencing chronic or lasting pain, please call VANTASTAT and get connected to a spine specialist.
What You Can Expect
Prompt attention – 365 days a year
Direct connection to orthopaedic specialists
A way to avoid unnecessary trips to the ER or Urgent Care
Our network of providers in Virginia, Washington D.C., and Maryland accepts most insurances.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you are experiencing a life threatening emergency, please dial 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. If you have had orthopaedic surgery within the last month and need assistance
with a related issue, please contact your surgeon’s office directly.
All online medical advice and answers to callers questions are provided through our partnering orthopaedic providers.
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